LMS Newsletters
2024-25 Newsletters
- Winter Break Dec. 23-Jan. 2
- Save the date: STEAM Night Jan. 23
- Last chance for guaranteed yearbook
- Girls soccer & boys basketball starting in January
- LMS athletic clearance instructions
See the full newsletter (Log into ParentSquare to view)
- Winter spirit week, assemblies
- Winter dance: Dec. 13
- After school clubs
- Homework help
- Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Creative Expressions Contest
- Hawkfest: Thank you!
- 6th grade ASB coordinators
- Service projects update
- Student activities calendar
- Message from the principal
- Upcoming dates
- Student life
- Safety night @ Bonney Lake High School
- Athletics
- Counseling
- Attendance awareness
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum - Parent Curriculum Review Night
- Message from the principal
- Important dates
- Prop. 1 passes - thank you, voters!
- Parent Conferences: 11/14
- Student life
- Hawkfest Fundraiser
- Counseling
- Native American Heritage Month
- From the health room
- Attendance awareness
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum Night
Please join us for Lakeridge Middle School’s arena-style Parent Conferences on Thursday, November 14 from 11:30am to 6:30pm. This is an Early Release day and students will be dismissed at 10:25am on November 14 so that conferences may begin at 11:30am.
What is arena conferencing?
In an arena conference model, each teacher will be available to meet with you for up to five minutes to discuss your child’s academic progress, classroom performance and address any quick questions you may have. It is called arena conferencing because teachers are arranged in a circular pattern in the main areas of our school (Commons, main gym, small gym).
Parents come in and meet with teachers in a first-come, first-serve fashion. To reduce potential long lines, we are recommending families attend at a specified time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do parents/guardians sign up for conferences?
No. Parents/guardians follow the recommended schedule (if possible) and do not sign up for conference times.
Where will I find my child’s teachers?
Teachers will be placed by teaching teams in the following locations:
6th Grade - Small Gym
7th & 8th Grade - Main Gym
Encore & Learning Specialists - Commons
How long do parents/guardians have with each teacher?
We ask parents/guardians to limit conferences with each teacher to 5 minutes or less. We will space teachers out to provide optimal privacy. If a more in-depth discussion is necessary, we can schedule a secondary conference with that teacher at a later date.
Are students invited?
Students are welcome to attend arena conferencing but are not required to attend.
What else can parents/guardians do at arena conferences besides talk to teachers?
Pay fees such as ASB, PE uniforms, athletic fees, library fines, Chromebook Assurance (which covers the loss or damage to a chromebook)
In our library, we will provide tips for using Family Access, Google Classroom and ParentSquare. Our office staff will be on hand to help with specific questions.
Lost and Found - Is your student missing a jacket? A water bottle? Other clothing? We will have our lost and found available for parents to look through.
Archived Newsletters
- Message from the Principal
- Spring Break: April 8-12
- State Testing
- Counseling
- Parent Review Night: April 30
- March events
- Student life
- Spirit days
- Counseling: High school registration
- Shrek the Musical: March 29 & 30
- Spring sports season starts soon
- SBLSD to Participate in Regional Lahar Exercise March 21
- Parent Review Night
- Message from the principal
- February calendar
- Levy election: Feb. 13
- Student Life
- Counseling
- New mental health resource
- SHS Multilingual FAFSA Family Night: Feb. 15
- Reminder from the library
- Message from the principal
- January calendar
- STEAM Family Night at LMS
- Student Life
- Counseling
- Hawk Mode
- 2024 Levy Info
- Message from the principal
- December calendar
- Strong school attendance matters
- Counseling
- Student life
- Food drive
- Hawkfest ASB Fundraiser Update
- Spirit Week
- Spirit Week
- Spirit Days
- School dance
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum Review Night
- Girls soccer & boys basketball starting in January
- Title III services 2023-24
2022-23 Newsletters
- August 2023
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
August 2023
LMS Back-to-School Reminders
Posted by SBLSD on 8/31/2023
Back-To-School Reminders
Tonight is our final back-to-school event. If you were unable to attend last night, you are welcome to bring your student this evening to:
- Pick up class schedule
- Find classrooms
- Check out a chromebook (6th graders and new students)
- Pay school fees (credit and debit accepted)
- Pick up PE uniform
- Pick up/drop off health forms
- Check in medications to health room
- Learn more about athletics program
Student schedules are also accessible online through Skyward Family Access.
If you would like to avoid the payment line, you may make purchases online ahead of time.
Click here to make purchases online: SBLSD payment portal
* Indicated items are reduced or waived for families who have qualified for Free/Reduced meals for the 23-24 school year. Please be sure to submit both your Application and Consent to Share forms to receive these discounts. You may also submit your applications online.
For more information and translated forms, please see the SBLSD Child Nutrition page.
ParentSquare Registration
Please be sure to register your Parentsquare account if you haven't already done so. We will be transitioning district-wide to this system as our primary communication tool at the start of school.
SBLSD ParentSquare Instructions
LMS Picture Day
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023
All students will be photographed for school records, yearbook & student ID card.
Option to purchase pictures online:
Website: JosiePhoto.Inter-State.com
Use order code: 79180RA
LMS Back-to-School Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 8/23/2023
Dear Lakeridge Families,Although summer still feels like it is in full swing, we are all quickly turning our attention to the upcoming school year. Our first day back is September 5th and we are thrilled to welcome you back for another fantastic year of Hawk PRIDE!
Lakeridge staff members are busy preparing the school and classrooms for an exciting year of learning and growth. We are also excited to introduce several new members to the Lakeridge Hawk Nest. Please join us in welcoming the following new Hawks to our teaching and support teams.
- Christine Anderson - Assistant Principal
- Victoria Sandoval - Paraeducator
- Janay Mitchell - Paraeducator
- Russell Watkins - Choir and Integrated Performing Arts
- Hillary Workman - Library Media Specialist
This year we will continue our focus on providing each and every Hawk an emotionally safe, socially civil, and academically productive learning environment. Through collaboration, a commitment to excellence, connections, and a culture of continuous improvement we are enthusiastic and committed to provide a positive and enriching middle school learning experience for every student, in every class, every day.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing about your summer adventures, getting caught up with returning families, and meeting our newest Hawks.
If there is anything we can do to help you, we are just an e-mail or phone call away.
Toby Udager
Student Check-In Days | August 29 & 30
During Student Check-In Days students will visit the school to pick up a printed copy of their schedule, collect curriculum resources for their classes and turn in health-care/immunization forms (if not done previously). 6th grade students and new students will also get a new Chromebook. Families may also use this opportunity to pay in-person for any applicable school or athletic fees. Payments may also be made through our online payment portal.
All students are invited to attend. To speed up the check-in process and allow for a consistent flow of visitors, we have assigned student groups based on alpha by last name.
Please note that school pictures will not be taken during Student Check-In Days. This is an optional event for students and families. Anyone unable to attend will be provided with these items on the first day of school. Student schedules will be available to view online through Family Access on August 29th.
*Certain fees will be adjusted and/or waived for qualified low-income families. A Consent to Share Eligibility form must be submitted for reductions to apply.
Click here for more information on the SBLSD Free & Reduced program.
Athletic registration is open for all sports offered at Lakeridge. All items below must be completed PRIOR to participating in athletics at Lakeridge Middle School (Clearances must go through Athletic Coordinator Tim Luhring).
- Turn in a current Sports Physical from your doctor.
- Complete the online registration on the FinalForms Platform: https://sumner-wa.finalforms.
com/ . Follow the prompts to create your account and register. - All athletes who wish to participate in after-school athletics must be covered either by a Student Accident Insurance Program or a separate insurance program. Information on insurance can be obtained on the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District website (Student Insurance), your school’s athletic office and/or the FinalForms registration platform.
- Purchase ASB card ($20)*
- Pay Athletic Participation Fee*
- Be clear of all fines
*See above fee information if your student qualifies for Free & Reduced lunches.
Failure to properly get cleared for a sport will result in the student/athlete being classified as ineligible and not allowed to practice and/or participate in the sport or activity. All forms should be completed prior to the first day of practice in order for the athlete to be cleared for the first practice.
Please refer to the district website for more information about Sports Fees and Athletic Clearances.
Online Payments
We encourage you to take advantage of utilizing the online payment system.
Instructions are as follows:
- Log in to your Skyward Family Access account. Skyward Family Access
- In the upper right hand corner click on the blue “District Links” icon and select Online Payments.
- You will then need to re-enter your Family Access username and password.
- Click on your Lakeridge student’s name.
- Under “Shop”, select “Items At Student’s School”.
- Select the items under each category that you would like to purchase and click “Buy” to add to cart.
Cashiers will also be available on site to take payments which can be made by cash, credit or check.
Incoming 6th graders as well as new 7th and 8th grade students will be issued a Chromebook. Any students unable to attend this event will be given their Chromebook during the first week of school. Returning 7th & 8th grade students should continue to use their current Chromebook.
Digital Device Coverage
Give yourself peace of mind and limit your financial obligation by purchasing Digital Device Coverage. Act now to take advantage of a 20% early enrollment discount, good only until Sept. 30.
- This assurance will cover you from the date it is purchased through the end of September 2024
- The normal early enrollment discount of 20% is available through the end of September 2023.
- The price is the same as the last five years:
- This is a yearly fee.
- Assurance covers multiple devices (if you have them) to include Laptops, Chromebooks, Hotspots, or other mobile digital devices.
- $25.00 (w/ discount = $20) (No Reduction In Lunch Rate)
- $12.50 (w/ discount = $10 ) (Reduced Lunch Rate)
- $6.25 (w/ discount= $5) (Free Lunch Rate)
Required Supplies
- Writing Utensils: pens and pencils
- Highlighters
- Binder or Folder System for Organization
- College Ruled Composition Book- Recommended 4
- Glue Stick
- Colored Pencils
- Ruler
- Basic Calculator- 6th & 7th Graders
- Scientific Calculator- 8th Grade Only
- ¼ Inch Graph Paper- 8th Grade Only
- Earbuds/ Headphones
Optional Supplies:
- Post-It Notes
- Fine Tip Markers
- Hand Held Pencil Sharpener
Note: This is a basic list of school supplies to get the school year started. If students need additional supplies for specific classes, teachers will communicate this information in their syllabus in the first few weeks of school.
To keep our students freely moving through our hallways, students will not be using hallway lockers. Students will need to have a backpack which they will be allowed to carry from class to class.
Sixth graders will be picked up according to the regular bus schedule for a full day schedule with a 7:25 am regular school start time. Breakfast and lunch will be available. Students will spend the day with WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) student mentors who have been trained to help new Hawks learn about how to be successful at Lakeridge and making connections with peers.
Seventh and eighth graders will begin school at 12:25 pm. Bus transportation will be five hours later than the regular weekday schedule (not the Wednesday late start schedule). For example, if your regular morning bus pick-up time is 7:10 am, please be at your bus stop at 12:10 pm. School lunch will not be served to 7th and 8th graders.
School is dismissed at 2:20 pm for all students.
Thursday, September 7th
School pictures will be taken during the first week of school on Thursday, Sept. 7th.
All students will be photographed for school records, yearbook & student ID card.
Option to purchase pictures online
Website: JosiePhoto.Inter-State.com
Use order code: 79180RA
LMS Office
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 3:00pm
(253) 891-5100
June 2023
LMS June Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 6/2/2023
JUNE 2023
Lakeridge Families,
It is hard to believe that June is here. As the end of the school year rapidly approaches, we will continue to provide students with two and a half more weeks of excellent academic learning and social opportunities. We appreciate your help in encouraging your child to finish the school year strong. Students can continue to show Hawk PRIDE characteristics of Preparation, Determination and Excellence by participating in class, completing their daily class work and improving their grades by retaking tests. They can also show Hawk PRIDE characteristics of Respect and Integrity by being kind and respectful to others and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. We know that a few more weeks of Hawk PRIDE will result in a fantastic finish to an unforgettable school year.
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant Principal
- Wednesday, August 23, 2023
- 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Lakeridge Middle School
- Bring: water bottle, lunch & dress for the weather, we’ll be inside and outside throughout the day.
If you have an incoming 6th grader, this free day camp is for them! Staff and 8th grade student leaders will guide 6th graders through activities designed to help them meet their peers, make friends, learn about middle school, get prepared for their first day of middle school and have some fun.
Pre-Registration Required: Click Here
Staff Coordinator: Laura Nimick, Laura_Handy-Nimick@sumnersd.
Be sure to check out our PTO’s June Newsletter for information on upcoming fundraisers, PTO meetings and ordering LMS Spiritwear!
The 8th grade will participate in our Hawk tradition of Taking Flight on Wednesday, June 21st. This is our chance to honor our 8th graders as they get ready to take flight to high school. Activities will take place during the school day as follows:
Taking Flight Assembly
- Time: 1st & 2nd Periods
- What: Awards, speeches, baby slideshow (submit photos to ELA teachers), middle school memories slideshow, Hawk (Staff) Band and more!
- Live Stream: The assembly will be lived streamed for families to watch. Unfortunately, due to very limited space, we are unable to invite families to attend in person. More information on the live stream will be sent home via email prior to the event.
8th Grade BBQ
- Time: 6th Period
- What: BBQ & outdoor activities provided by Lakeridge PTO.
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 ASB team!
End of Year Activities
- June 5: Victory Tour - Seniors Visit in Cap & Gown (PM)
- June 12: Regular 7:25 AM Start w/12:20 PM Release for High School Graduations
- June 15: Yearbook Distribution (AM) & Spirit Point Winners Party (PM)
- June 16: Final Hawk PRIDE Party
- June 20: Field Day (all grades)
- June 21: Grade Level Celebrations
- 6th Grade Awards Assembly (AM)
- 7th Grade Awards Assembly (AM)
- 8th Grade Taking Flight Activities
- 8th Grade Taking Flight Assembly (AM) - Live Streamed for Families
- 8th Grade BBQ (PM)
- June 22: Last Day of School, Half Day w/10:25 AM Dismissal
Note: Dates are subject to change and all assemblies are attended by students and staff only due to limited space.
It’s that time of year! All Library books need to be returned to the library by Friday, June 2nd. Please contact our Librarian, Mrs. Hertlein at sarah_hertlein@sumnersd.org with questions about lost or missing books.
Wellness & Care
Middle School can be a challenging time for many students and it is not uncommon for them to experience stress or anxiety. Below are some resources that may be helpful for your child. Please reach out to your child's School Counselor if you need help navigating ways to support and care for them.
- SBLSD Mental Health & Wellness Resources Page
- SBLSD Suicide Prevention Page
- Youth Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial or text 988
- LGBTQIA+ hotline -1-866-4TREVOR OR 1-866-488- 7386
- 24 hour Crisis Line -1-866-4CRISIS OR 1-866-427-4747
May 2023
Hawk Update: May 2023
Posted by SBLSD on 5/11/2023
MAY 2023
Dear Lakeridge Families:
May is such a great time of year. There is a lot of positive energy and excitement throughout the building. All our students are really working hard on their academics and many are participating in our after-school athletic programs and clubs. May is also the “show what you know” month for our students as everyone is doing their best on the state Math and English Language Arts SBA assessments.
Here are a few important tips for students:
- Attend school everyday, for the whole day
- Make sure your Chromebook is charged and ready to go in the morning
- During testing, take all the time you need (it’s not timed!)
- Show determination and don’t give up!
- Read all prompts carefully and closely for thorough understanding
- Do your very best work
- Have the confidence that your ELA and math teacher has prepared you to be successful. You got this!
The following is some important information to keep you “in the know.”
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant Principal
MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 29 - No School
There will be no school on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
Tuesday, May 30 will be a regular school day.
This month our Hawks have been taking the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in math and English language arts. Students will take all parts of the assessment online. The math and language arts assessments are administered in two parts; a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a performance task (PT).
The testing schedule for LMS students is as follows:
SBA ELA CAT- May 1-5
SBA Math CAT- May 8-12
SBA Math PT- May 15-19
SBA ELA PT- May 22-26
Assessment Make-Ups - May 29-June 2
Each month Lakeridge focuses on an area of safety response with an emergency drill. This month we will be conducting an Evacuation & Reunification drill where we will practice exiting the building and gathering on the football field. An important part of this drill is carrying out the dismissal procedure, which involves locating students on the field and releasing them to a parent or authorized emergency contact.
For more information on our safety practices, please visit our district website: School Safety
ASB Officer Elections & Coordinator Selection for 2023-2024
- Information & Application Website
- Application Deadline: Sunday, May 14, 2023
- Advisers: Laura Nimick & Julia McNutt
6th and 7th grade students who are interested in planning student activities (dances, spirit weeks, assemblies) or running for student government will follow an application and election (officers) or selection (coordinators) process in May for 2023-2024 school year positions. Our ASB team starts working together each August to prepare for the upcoming school year.
It’s Almost Summer Spirit Week
May 30 - June 2, 2023
Spirit Days
- Tuesday 5/30: Mismatch Day
- Wednesday 5/31: Students as Minions (or wear yellow/blue), Staff as Gru (or wear gray/black)
- Thursday 6/1: Blast from the Past (wear clothes from any past decade)
- Friday 6/2: Tropical Day
- Friday 6/2: All School Spirit Assembly @ end of school day
- Friday 6/2: Summerfest from 2:20-4:00 outside
More information on ASB positions and the upcoming spirit week is posted in the Student Life Google Classroom or students can see Mrs. Nimick for more information.
End of Year Activities:
- May 30-June 2: Spirit Week
- June 1: Water Safety Assemblies (AM)
- June 2: Final Spirit Assembly (PM)
- June 2: Summerfest (2:20-4:00 PM)
- June 12: Regular 7:25 AM Start w/12:20 PM Release for High School Graduations
- June 15: Yearbook Distribution (AM) & Spirit Point Winners Party (PM)
- June 16: Final Hawk PRIDE Party
- June 20: Field Day (all grades)
- June 21: Grade Level Celebrations
- 6th Grade Awards Assembly (AM)
- 7th Grade Awards Assembly (AM)
- 8th Grade Taking Flight Assembly (AM)
- 8th Grade BBQ (PM)
- June 22: Last Day of School, Half Day w/10:25 AM Dismissal
Note: Dates are subject to change and all assemblies are attended by students and staff only due to limited space.
We have enjoyed and appreciated having students attend our after school events. It is a great time for students to show school spirit and support their friends playing in their respective games. With that said we have had a number of students after school who are not here to watch the games and are distracting families and others who are here to see their children play.
Good student conduct at games involves showing respect and sportsmanship towards players, coaches, officials, and fellow spectators. Here are some of the expectations for students and visitors for games and contests.
- Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, fans, coaches officials
- Make only positive, encouraging comments to the players on both teams. Do not taunt or distract other players or fans
- Remain in your seat or designated areas during the game. Avoid continuously getting up and going up and down the bleachers. This makes it hard for spectators to enjoy the game.
- Follow the directions of event supervisors.
Students and fans who do not follow school guidelines and the Plateau Middle School League Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the contest.
Encore Class Registration for 2023-2024
Current 6th and 7th grade students will learn about elective class options they can choose from during Advisory on May 15. Students will enter their choices into Skyward anytime between May 15 and May 26. Please ask your student what classes they are thinking about and go over the options with your student. The information about encore classes will be posted in your student’s Advisory Google Classroom and the LMS Student Life Google Classroom. If you have questions, feel free to contact your student’s counselor:
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
If you have a 5th grade student, we are visiting our feeder elementary schools with elective class information leading up to our New Hawk Night on May 24.
Wellness & Care
Middle School can be a challenging time for many students and it is not uncommon for them to experience stress or anxiety. Below are some resources that may be helpful for your child. Please reach out to your child's School Counselor if you need help navigating ways to support and care for them.
- SBLSD Mental Health & Wellness Resources Page
- SBLSD Suicide Prevention Page
- Youth Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial or text 988
- LGBTQIA+ hotline -1-866-4TREVOR OR 1-866-488- 7386
- 24 hour Crisis Line -1-866-4CRISIS OR 1-866-427-4747
Please take a moment to review these Frequently Asked Questions from our Health Room:
- When should I keep my student home?
- Students should be kept home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
- Deep or nagging cough
- Fever
- Vomiting 2 or more times in 24 hours
- If they have a communicable or contagious illness
- Please wait until they are symptom free for 24 hours to return.
- When do SBLSD middle schools conduct testing for vision and hearing?
- Vision and hearing testing is conducted annually for 7th grade students. Testing for the 22-23 school year took place in October. If you received a referral for your 7th grader or have any questions, please contact the health room.
- When should I update my student’s Health History form?
- Health history forms are updated at grades 3, 6 and 9, but families may update their form at any time and turn it into the health room.
- How can I be sure my student meets the immunization requirements?
- Students must be in compliance with state immunization requirements for their age prior to the first day of attendance. Please see the district website for more information: SBLSD Immunization Information
- In most cases, Tdap is the only additional/updated immunization required for middle school. This is administered on or after the 11th birthday and is required for 7th grade. All families should review the state requirements to ensure compliance. WA State Dept of Health - Immunizations
- Does my student need to get a Sports Physical?
- A sports physical exam must be completed by a doctor before a student may participate in middle school sports. The completed forms must be turned in to the LMS Athletic Director (Mr. Luhring) and are current for 2 years. They follow students to high school if they are still current when they graduate 8th grade.
- What medications can my student bring to school?
- Students are not permitted to bring any medications to school. This includes any over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, allergy medications, throat lozenges, etc.
- All medications administered at school must be accompanied by a Medication at School Order form from a physician and be approved by Health Services.
District Medication at School Policy
Staff are working hard to create positive learning environments at school. Once students arrive at school, we ask that they put their phones away to increase positive interactions & to decrease chances of negative social media behavior from disrupting the school day. We realize parents are used to having constant contact with their child, but we need your support more than ever.
Here are some ways you can help your child:
- Safety:
- Please remind your child to only post pictures of themselves or others with permission.
- Limiting screen time comes with many advantages:
- Improves sleep patterns
- Increases time for homework, chores, exercise, games, time with family or friends
- Determining pros and cons of social media:
- Although social media provides an outlet for social interaction online, it also opens your child up to exposure of mean behavior and an increased risk of depression & anxiety.
- Monitor your child’s phone use:
- Your child needs your support and guidance. Please check to ensure they are using their phone for positive social interactions. Often, children will not tell their parents if something upsetting or scary is happening, they need you to check on them often.
- Remind your child not to communicate online with anyone they do not know.
April 2023
Hawk Update: 4/25/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/25/2023
May is considered the “show what you know” month of the year for schools. This week our 8th graders kicked off our assessment season with the Science WCAS assessment. Starting next week, your child will take the Smarter Balanced tests in English language arts and follow up with math.
Here are a few important tips for students:
Attend school everyday, for the whole day
Make sure chromebooks are fully charged each day
Get adequate sleep and rest
Eat a nutritious breakfast each day
During testing, take all the time you need (it’s not timed!)
Show determination and don’t give up!
Read all prompts carefully and closely for thorough understanding
Pay attention to precision and accuracy
Do your very best work
Have the confidence that your ELA and math teacher has prepared you to be successful. You got this!
The school day will begin and end at the normal time, but individual periods will be adjusted according to testing needs. Please see the testing calendar and block schedules below:
Thank you for all your support and partnering with LMS staff to provide all our Hawks an emotionally safe, socially civil and academically productive learning environment. We appreciate you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about testing. For more information about the tests, visit OSPI Smarter Balanced Assessments
As many of you may have noticed, our school has an updated entry process for visitors. The district has completed a greatly-enhanced safety and security measure at our building’s front entrance — a voice and video intercom system with remote door release. These systems are now being utilized at all our schools district-wide.
As these intercoms bring about an extra layer of security, so are there extra steps you may have to take before entering the building. After pressing the intercom button, please be prepared to:
Give your name
State your purpose for visit
Show your photo ID
We thank all visitors for being a partner in helping ensure a safe teaching and learning environment for all. This intercom project was made possible through the voter-approved 2018 Technology Levy.
LMS April Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 4/3/2023
APRIL 2023
Dear Lakeridge Families:
We have had a very successful 3rd quarter at LMS and I’m extremely proud of the work and collaboration that has taken place between staff, students and families to create learning situations that meet nearly every student’s and family’s needs.
This week the LMS admin team visited each science classroom to present a quick 15 minute Hawk PRIDE reboot presentation. One of our key focuses was on the Hawk PRIDE characteristic of Respect. We were excited to share with students some significant gains in our student perception surveys from last year. We focused on two specific questions, “I am respectful of others at this school” and “Most students are respectful of others at this school”.
In May of 2022
- 88% of students responded positively to “I am respectful of others at this school”
- 27% of students responded positively to “Most students are respectful of others at this school”.
In January 2023
- 89% of students responded positively to “I am respectful of others at this school”
- 47% of students responded positively to “Most students are respectful of others at this school”.
While there is still a lot of room for improvement to close the gap between the ratings of how students rate themselves and how they rate their peers, we are definitely trending in a positive direction. Online harassment and discriminatory insults and comments were identified as two key issues negatively impacting our students’ lower ratings for “Most students are respectful of others at this school” responses. We challenged all students to do their part to make LMS a WEB “Where Everybody Belongs” school by showing Hawk PRIDE every day, even when they are not at school.
Thank you again for all your support and partnering with LMS staff to provide all our Hawks an emotionally safe, socially civil and academically productive learning environment.
The following is some important information to keep you “in the know”.
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant Principal
SPRING BREAK - April 3-7
There will be no school April 3rd through 7th for Spring Break.
Starting the last week of April, our Hawks will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in math and English language arts. Students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). Students will take all parts of the assessment online. The math and language arts assessments are administered in two parts; a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a performance task (PT).
The testing schedule for LMS students is as follows:
WCAS- April 24-28
SBA ELA CAT- May 1-5
SBA Math CAT- May 8-12
SBA Math PT- May 15-19
SBA ELA PT- May 22-26
Assessment Make-Ups - May 29 - June 2
The LMS Drama Club put on a fabulous show last week. For those of you who were not able to attend, would like to share with family & friends, or just want to experience the magic again, here is the YouTube link:
The Little Mermaid LMS Performance 3/24/23
We have enjoyed and appreciated having students attend our after school events. It is a great time for students to show school spirit and support their friends playing in their respective games. With that said we have had a number of students after school who are not here to watch the games and are distracting families and others who are here to see their children play.
Good student conduct at games involves showing respect and sportsmanship towards players, coaches, officials, and fellow spectators. Here are some of the expectations for students and visitors for games and contests.
- Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, fans, coaches officials
- Make only positive, encouraging comments to the players on both teams. Do not taunt or distract other players or fans
- Remain in your seat or designated areas during the game. Avoid continuously getting up and going up and down the bleachers. This makes it hard for spectators to enjoy the game.
- Follow the directions of event supervisors.
Students and fans who do not follow school guidelines and the Plateau Middle School League Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the contest.
Wellness & Care
Middle School can be a challenging time for many students and it is not uncommon for them to experience stress or anxiety. Below are some resources that may be helpful for your child. Please reach out to your child's School Counselor if you need help navigating ways to support and care for them.
- SBLSD Mental Health & Wellness Resources Page.
- SBLSD Suicide Prevention Page
- Youth Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial or text 988
- LGBTQIA+ hotline -1-866-4TREVOR OR 1-866-488- 7386
- 24 hour Crisis Line -1-866-4CRISIS OR 1-866-427-4747
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor:
- Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
- Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
bound .If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
- Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
- Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
ASB Officer Elections & Coordinator Selection
May 1-26, 2023
6th and 7th grade students who are interested in planning student activities (dances, spirit weeks, assemblies) or running for student government will follow an application and election (officers) or selection (coordinators) process in May for the 2023-2024 school year. Our ASB team starts working together each August to prepare for the upcoming school year.
It’s Almost Summer Spirit Week
May 30 through June 2, 2023
The details are in the works, but your mark your calendars for our final spirit week!
- Spirit Days (TBD)
- All School Spirit Assembly
- Summerfest 6/2 from 2:20-4:00
More information on ASB positions and the upcoming spirit week will posted in the Student Life Google Classroom in late April or students can see Mrs. Nimick for more information.
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents/families are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students enrolled in the following:
- 6th and 7th grade students (HIV/AIDS),
- 2nd semester 8th grade Skills for Life (HIV/AIDS) and
- 9th grade Health classes (Health content), and
- Applicable 10th through 12th grade classes (HIV/AIDS).
Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for grades 6-12, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Family Preview for Health Curriculum Spring 2023
May 3, 2023 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Central Office Board Room
1202 Wood Ave, Sumner, WA 98390
Parents/families wishing to exclude their child from the HIV/AIDS curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign the exclusion form.
Please take a moment to review these Frequently Asked Questions from our Health Room:
- When should I keep my student home?
- Students should be kept home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
- Deep or nagging cough
- Fever
- Vomiting 2 or more times in 24 hours
- If they have a communicable or contagious illness
- Please wait until they are symptom free for 24 hours to return.
- When do SBLSD middle schools conduct testing for vision and hearing?
- Vision and hearing testing is conducted annually for 7th grade students. Testing for the 22-23 school year took place in October. If you received a referral for your 7th grader or have any questions, please contact the health room.
- When should I update my student’s Health History form?
- Health history forms are updated at grades 3, 6 and 9, but families may update their form at any time and turn it into the health room.
- How can I be sure my student meets the immunization requirements?
- Students must be in compliance with state immunization requirements for their age prior to the first day of attendance. Please see the district website for more information: SBLSD Immunization Information
- In most cases, Tdap is the only additional/updated immunization required for middle school. This is administered on or after the 11th birthday and is required for 7th grade. All families should review the state requirements to ensure compliance. WA State Dept of Health - Immunizations
- Does my student need to get a Sports Physical?
- A sports physical exam must be completed by a doctor before a student may participate in middle school sports. The completed forms must be turned in to the LMS Athletic Director (Mr. Luhring) and are current for 2 years. They follow students to high school if they are still current when they graduate 8th grade.
- What medications can my student bring to school?
- Students are not permitted to bring any medications to school. This includes any over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, allergy medications, throat lozenges, etc.
- All medications administered at school must be accompanied by a Medication at School Order form from a physician and be approved by Health Services.
District Medication at School Policy
Staff are working hard to create positive learning environments at school. Once students arrive at school, we ask that they put their phones away to increase positive interactions & to decrease chances of negative social media behavior from disrupting the school day. We realize parents are used to having constant contact with their child, but we need your support more than ever.
Here are some ways you can help your child:
- Safety:
- Please remind your child to only post pictures of themselves or others with permission.
- Limiting screen time comes with many advantages:
- Improves sleep patterns
- Increases time for homework, chores, exercise, games, time with family or friends
- Determining pros and cons of social media:
- Although social media provides an outlet for social interaction online, it also opens your child up to exposure of mean behavior and an increased risk of depression & anxiety.
- Monitor your child’s phone use:
- Your child needs your support and guidance. Please check to ensure they are using their phone for positive social interactions. Often, children will not tell their parents if something upsetting or scary is happening, they need you to check on them often.
- Remind your child not to communicate online with anyone they do not know.
March 2023
LMS March Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 3/3/2023
MARCH 2023
Dear Lakeridge Families:
Our Hawks are off to a great start to the second semester. Many students have enjoyed their new elective classes and keeping up on their core classroom assignments. Overall students are on track and making excellent progress on end of year goals.
I’m proud to say that Hawk PRIDE has been on full display in the building and at the district levels this year. Hawk PRIDE stands for our guidelines for success. PRIDE represents characteristics of:
- P - Preparation
- R - Respect
- I - Integrity
- D - Determination
- E - Excellence
We had our first Hawk PRIDE celebration on February 10th where over 120 students received their Hawk PRIDE bracelets for earning 5 or more Hawk PRIDE recognition slips from staff members. Students enjoyed the opportunity to hang out with their peers, enjoy a snack and participate in some quick games. We I could not be prouder of our students and staff and look forward to recognizing even more students for our upcoming Hawk PRIDE celebration at the end of 3rd quarter.
While we know there are many reasons for these and many other student successes, the involvement of parents and families in their students’ learning is a significant factor in this growth. Thank you for all your hard work and support as we continue to strive to provide excellence for every student, every day.
The following is some important information to keep you “in the know”.
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant Principal
SPRING BREAK - April 3-7
There will be no school April 3rd through 7th for Spring Break.
March is an exciting month for 8th graders. Please review the following information & dates regarding high school information & registration:
March 13th: Students will have a short lesson in Advisory reviewing March dates & prompting students to know which high school they will attend. If students are unsure of their high school, they can email Mrs. Rice at gina_rice@sumnersd.org.
March 14th & 15th: LMS Counselors will give classroom presentations during 8th grade Math classes to review high school planning and registration. Students will learn information about high school credits, graduation requirements, how to navigate the course catalog, what to expect in 9th grade, and complete forms for their high school counselors: Four Year Plan & High School Registration Form
March 21st: Sumner High School and Bonney Lake High School Counselors will visit all 8th grade Math classes. They will review high school planning and registration and students will input class selections online. Students will have until March 30th to review these choices with parents and make any changes online.
High School is an exciting time, but can cause a lot of questions for parents. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s counselor for questions or concerns. We are here to support!
Bonney Lake High School Counselors: https://www.sumnersd.org/
domain/485 Sumner High School Counselors: https://www.sumnersd.org/
domain/892 Lakeridge Middle School 8th grade counselor: Gina Rice, 253-891-5113 or gina_rice@sumnersd.org
We have enjoyed and appreciated having students attend our after school events. It is a great time for students to show school spirit and support their friends playing in their respective games. With that said we have had a number of students after school who are not here to watch the games and are distracting families and others who are here to see their children play.
Good student conduct at games involves showing respect and sportsmanship towards players, coaches, officials, and fellow spectators. Here are some of the expectations for students and visitors for games and contests.
Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, fans, coaches officials
Make only positive, encouraging comments to the players on both teams. Do not taunt or distract other players or fans
Remain in your seat or designated areas during the game. Avoid continuously getting up and going up and down the bleachers. This makes it hard for spectators to enjoy the game.
Follow the directions of event supervisors.
Students and fans who do not follow school guidelines and the Plateau Middle School League Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the contest.
Wellness & Care
Middle School can be a challenging time for many students and it is not uncommon for them to experience stress or anxiety. Below are some resources that may be helpful for your child. Please reach out to your child's School Counselor if you need help navigating ways to support and care for them.
- SBLSD Mental Health & Wellness Resources Page.
- SBLSD Suicide Prevention Page
- Youth Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial or text 988
- LGBTQIA+ hotline -1-866-4TREVOR OR 1-866-488- 7386
- 24 hour Crisis Line -1-866-4CRISIS OR 1-866-427-4747
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor:
- Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
- Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
bound .If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
- Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
- Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Spirit Week: March 13-17, 2023
Participation Guide - click here!
Spirit Days & Activities
- Monday 3/13: Get Fancy or Stay in PJ’s + Spirit Week Advisory
- Tuesday 3/14: 80’s or Neon Day
- Wednesday 3/15: Country vs. Country Club
- Thursday 3/16: Students Dress Like Staff/Staff Dress Like Students
- Friday 3/17: Green, Gold & White Day or Twin/Triplet Day + Spirit Assemblies
School Dance | Friday, March 17, 2023
- Tickets: $5 (pre-purchase required in the main office)
- 2:20-4:00 PM (pickup at 4:00 PM required)
- Activities: dancing, open gym, concessions ($1-2), Spirit Store open, free popcorn, photo booth & more!
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents/families are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students enrolled in the following:
- 6th and 7th grade students (HIV/AIDS),
- 2nd semester 8th grade Skills for Life (HIV/AIDS) and
- 9th grade Health classes (Health content), and
- Applicable 10th through 12th grade classes (HIV/AIDS).
Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for grades 6-12, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Family Preview for Health Curriculum Spring 2023
May 3, 2023 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Central Office Board Room
1202 Wood Ave, Sumner, WA 98390
Parents/families wishing to exclude their child from the HIV/AIDS curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign the exclusion form.
Please take a moment to review these Frequently Asked Questions from our Health Room:
- When should I keep my student home?
- Students should be kept home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
- Deep or nagging cough
- Fever
- Vomiting 2 or more times in 24 hours
- If they have a communicable or contagious illness
- Please wait until they are symptom free for 24 hours to return.
- When do SBLSD middle schools conduct testing for vision and hearing?
- Vision and hearing testing is conducted annually for 7th grade students. Testing for the 22-23 school year took place in October. If you received a referral for your 7th grader or have any questions, please contact the health room.
- When should I update my student’s Health History form?
- Health history forms are updated at grades 3, 6 and 9, but families may update their form at any time and turn it into the health room.
- How can I be sure my student meets the immunization requirements?
- Students must be in compliance with state immunization requirements for their age prior to the first day of attendance. Please see the district website for more information: SBLSD Immunization Information
- In most cases, Tdap is the only additional/updated immunization required for middle school. This is administered on or after the 11th birthday and is required for 7th grade. All families should review the state requirements to ensure compliance. WA State Dept of Health - Immunizations
- Does my student need to get a Sports Physical?
- A sports physical exam must be completed by a doctor before a student may participate in middle school sports. The completed forms must be turned in to the LMS Athletic Director (Mr. Luhring) and are current for 2 years. They follow students to high school if they are still current when they graduate 8th grade.
- What medications can my student bring to school?
- Students are not permitted to bring any medications to school. This includes any over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, allergy medications, throat lozenges, etc.
- All medications administered at school must be accompanied by a Medication at School Order form from a physician and be approved by Health Services.
District Medication at School Policy
Staff are working hard to create positive learning environments at school. Once students arrive at school, we ask that they put their phones away to increase positive interactions & to decrease chances of negative social media behavior from disrupting the school day. We realize parents are used to having constant contact with their child, but we need your support more than ever.
Here are some ways you can help your child:
- Safety:
- Please remind your child to only post pictures of themselves or others with permission.
- Limiting screen time comes with many advantages:
- Improves sleep patterns
- Increases time for homework, chores, exercise, games, time with family or friends
- Determining pros and cons of social media:
- Although social media provides an outlet for social interaction online, it also opens your child up to exposure of mean behavior and an increased risk of depression & anxiety.
- Monitor your child’s phone use:
- Your child needs your support and guidance. Please check to ensure they are using their phone for positive social interactions. Often, children will not tell their parents if something upsetting or scary is happening, they need you to check on them often.
- Remind your child not to communicate online with anyone they do not know.
Hello Parents and Families,
We would like to invite you to join our Remind communication platform. This is another way for Lakeridge Middle School to communicate with our parents/families and vice versa through text messages. Remind will mostly be used for quick notifications or reminders about information happening at our school. The class title is Lakeridge School District SBLSD 2022-23 as it is shown below. By Friday, March 3rd, you will receive a text message. This text message will prompt you to continue or stop moving forward with Remind. I (Mr. Kraft) will be sending out the initial text to Family 1 and also to Famly 2. If anyone is missing from Family 1 or 2, please let me know. Students will not be allowed to use the app for communication purposes. Reach out by phone or email if you have further questions.
- Girls Volleyball (all grades)
- March 27 first practice for 8th grade only
- March 28 first practice for 7th grade only
- March 29 first practice for 6th grade only
- Tackle Football (7th & 8th grade only)
- March 20 is gear handout
- March 22 first practice
- Flag Football (all grades)
- March 28 first practice
- Coed Cross Country (all grades)
- March 28 first practice
- Coed Tennis (all grades) Registration is completed through Parks and Recreation
- April 11 first practice
Specific practice information will be handed out during lunches at the athletic office window.
LMS Athletic Clearance Instructions
- Complete Registration Paperwork using Final Forms (our new online registration platform for middle and high school). Click on the link to get started: https://sumner-wa.finalforms.
com/ - Turn in a current sports physical from your doctor.
- Purchase an ASB card ($20).
- Pay the Athletic Participation Fee - $70 for each sport. (There is an extra $25 fee for tackle football to help with helmet reconditioning. If you play all 4 seasons, the 4th season is only $20).
- Be clear of all fines.
Once athletes are cleared, they will be added to the roster so they can begin practice. ATHLETES MUST BE CLEARED PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING IN PRACTICE.
If you have any questions, please contact Tim Luhring: tim_luhring@sumnersd.org
February 2023
LMS February Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 1/30/2023
Dear Lakeridge Families:
We have turned the page on the first half of the school year, and on Tuesday we are going full steam ahead into the second semester. Our Hawks have made so much progress academically, socially and emotionally since September. We know that your involvement at home and active engagement in your child's learning is a significant factor in this growth. Thank you for all your hard work and support.
We are looking forward to a successful second semester for all or our Hawks. Here is some important information for you to know as we go into the last half of the school year. As always, we encourage you to contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns.
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant Principal
Here is some important information for you to know ahead of time so you and your child are successful and prepared for school events and happenings for the new year.
NO SCHOOL - Monday, Feb 20
There will be no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents’ Day
Wellness & Care
Middle School can be a challenging time for many students and it is not uncommon for them to experience stress or anxiety. Below are some resources that may be helpful for your child. Please reach out to your child's School Counselor if you need help navigating ways to support and care for them.
Youth Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial 988
LGBTQIA+ hotline -1-866-4TREVOR OR 1-866-488- 7386
24 hour Crisis Line -1-866-4CRISIS OR 1-866-427-4747
At Lakeridge we have a partnership with InvestEd who provides the platform for funding anything students need to help them be successful in school. It is our mission to never turn down a student in need. The money in this fund has purchased PE uniforms, ASB cards, school supplies, backpacks, winter coats, attendance incentives, sports fees, band instruments, and much more. InvestEd offers matching funds up to $500 per school. If you would like to donate to our LMS students in need, you can give to InvestEd by clicking on this link and 100% of the money goes directly to helping our students if you give in the box that indicates Lakeridge Middle School. Thank you for your consideration and support for our Hawks!
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor:
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Staff are working hard to create positive learning environments at school. Once students arrive at school, we ask that they put their phones away to increase positive interactions & to decrease chances of negative social media behavior from disrupting the school day. We realize parents are used to having constant contact with their child, but we need your support more than ever.
Here are some ways you can help your child:
- Safety:
- Please remind your child to only post pictures of themselves or others with permission.
- Limiting screen time comes with many advantages:
- Improves sleep patterns
- Increases time for homework, chores, exercise, games, time with family or friends
- Determining pros and cons of social media:
- Although social media provides an outlet for social interaction online, it also opens your child up to exposure of mean behavior and an increased risk of depression & anxiety.
- Monitor your child’s phone use:
- Your child needs your support and guidance. Please check to ensure they are using their phone for positive social interactions. Often, children will not tell their parents if something upsetting or scary is happening, they need you to check on them often.
- Remind your child not to communicate online with anyone they do not know.
Be sure to check out the PTO’s newsletter for the latest updates on events and Spirit Store information!
8th Grade Yard Signs for Sale |
Textile Drive Extended to Feb. 10! |
We are so looking forward to the SBLSD STEM Fair on February 25th, 2023. As in past years, one of the most exciting ways we can encourage student participation in the event is through student projects.
All students K-12 are encouraged to submit and showcase a project related to science, technology, or engineering at this year's event. Registration is currently open, with the extended deadline of January 20th, 2023. Please note: student projects do not need to be completed by this date - we just need to know that they plan to complete a project.
Stem Fair Student Project Registration
Please reach out with any questions. We look forward to celebrating student learning and inquiry at this year's STEM Fair and Art Show.
January 2023
LMS Hawk Update: 1/20/23
Posted by SBLSD on 1/20/2023
The schoolwide deadline for missing and revised school work is Monday, January 23rd. Work revised and/or completed by the deadline will be graded for first semester grades. First semester ends on Friday, January 27th.
There will be no school on Monday, January 30th, as it is a grading day for all secondary schools.
We welcome you to bring any unwanted textiles through the end of the month. Clothing, shoes, bedding, linens, towels, etc. are accepted. Drop-off bins are located at the front of the building from 7:00 am - 2:25 pm on school days through January 31st.
Attention 8th grade families! Celebrate the finish of your student’s middle school career with one of these yard signs that can be purchased through the PTO online store.
Family STEAM Night
Posted by SBLSD on 1/12/2023
January 19, 2023 — 5:30-7:00 pm
Dear Lakeridge Families:
Please come to Lakeridge annual STEAM Night January 19, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Lakeridge Commons. This evening will highlight your child’s work in the areas of Science, Math and Art.
Science students will showcase a special engineering project for each grade level:
6th Grade: Earthquake Proof House Project - Students who have completed their earthquake-proof house will get the opportunity for a stability test.
7th Grade: Students are working on a new engineering project about biomimicry.
8th Grade: Mousetrap Cars - At STEAM Night students will test if their car can stop at 19 feet! This is an official TSA competition.
In addition to our student projects, families will participate in hands-on STEM booths, manned by student scientists, your students’ teachers and Lakeridge family members. We will also be highlighting our Math program with a special emphasis on our Math Intervention classes. This is an opportunity for parents to see student work, play math games and learn some tips about how to help your child with their math homework!
Students who are currently taking an Art class may choose a piece of artwork to display at this event.
This is going to be a fun family event. We will be serving pizza and soda to all who attend so there is no need to plan dinner. We hope to see you there!
Adrienne McKay, NBCT
STEM Club Facilitator
Medical Detectives/ 8th Grade Science Teacher
Tara Bohl
Dean Of Students/ Title 1 Coordinator
STEAM Artwork winner: Natalie Parr
LMS January 2023 Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 1/3/2023
Lakeridge Families,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! We hope you are all enjoying winter break and your child is excited to come back to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
While it is a new calendar year, we are actually in the middle of the school year. It is hard to believe that the first semester will be wrapping up on January 27th. Shortly following, your child will receive his/her semester grades which will reflect 20 weeks of Hawk PRIDE: Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence.
Although our return on January 3rd is coming right up to crunch time in terms of closing out the semester, a little extra dose of “Determination” on retaking assessments or turning in missing projects can result in big academic gains on the final grade for a class. Please do everything possible to encourage your child to check their online grades, ask for extra support from teachers and take advantage of test retake opportunities.
Thank you for collaborating with our staff to make LMS an emotionally safe, socially civil and academically productive school for students every day. We know that our students’ engagement and success would not be possible without the efforts you are making on the home front. On behalf of the Lakeridge staff, we sincerely appreciate each of you for your partnership in doing whatever is necessary to support our students.
Thanks again,
Toby Udager Mike Kraft
Principal Assistant PrincipalHere is some important information for you to know ahead of time so you and your child are successful and prepared for school events and happenings for the new year.
- Monday, Jan. 2 - New Year’s Day observed
- Monday, Jan. 16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Monday, Jan. 30 - Grading Day
Thursday, Jan. 19 — 5:30-7:00 pm
Mark your calendars! All families are invited to attend our STEAM Night on Thursday, January 19th from 5:30 to 7:00pm in the Lakeridge Commons. Students will be showcasing a special engineering project for each grade level. Art projects will also be on display.
A free pizza dinner will be provided for all who attend!
In addition to our student projects, families will participate in hands-on STEM booths, manned by student scientists, your student’s teachers and Lakeridge family members. We will also be highlighting our Math program with a special emphasis on our Math Intervention classes. This is an opportunity for parents to see student work, play math games and learn some tips about how to help your child with their math homework!
We look forward to you joining us for this fun-filled family night! Stay tuned for more details to come.
January 9-13, 2023
This year Unity Week leads up to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 16, 2023. Student coordinators are planning a week of activities centered around kindness, empathy and respect which will be followed by our Martin Luther King, Jr. assembly on the morning of Friday, January 13th.
- No School
- Monday, January 16, 2023
Tuesday, Jan. 17
6th Grade Band Concert
7:00 pm
Friday, Jan. 20
6th Grade Integrated Performing Arts
5:30 pm
LMS Commons
Friday, Jan 20
7th Grade Integrated Performing Arts
7:00 pm
LMS Commons
Thursday, Jan. 26
7th & 8th Grade Band Concert
7:00 pm
Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball is starting this month!
- First practice for boys basketball will be Tuesday, January 10th.
- First practice for girls soccer will be Wednesday, January 11th.
Specific practice information will be handed out during lunches at the athletic office window.
LMS Athletic Clearance Instructions
- Complete Registration Paperwork using Final Forms (our new online registration platform for middle and high school). Click on the link to get started: https://sumner-wa.finalforms.
com/ - Turn in a current sports physical from your doctor.
- Purchase an ASB card ($20).
- Pay the Athletic Participation Fee - $70 for each sport. (There is an extra $25 fee for tackle football to help with helmet reconditioning. If you play all 4 seasons, the 4th season is only $20).
- Be clear of all fines.
Once athletes are cleared, they will be added to the roster so they can begin practice. ATHLETES MUST BE CLEARED PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING IN PRACTICE. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Luhring: tim_luhring@sumnersd.org
Parents of 8th graders, save the date!
Bonney Lake High School and Sumner High School will have their curriculum showcases in January. Look for more information soon including specific times for these evening events.
- January 9: Sumner High School Curriculum Showcase
- January 10: Bonney Lake High School Curriculum Showcase
At Lakeridge we have a partnership with InvestEd who provides the platform for funding anything students need to help them be successful in school. It is our mission to never turn down a student in need. The money in this fund has purchased PE uniforms, ASB cards, school supplies, backpacks, winter coats, attendance incentives, sports fees, band instruments, and much more. InvestEd offers matching funds up to $500 per school. If you would like to donate to our LMS students in need, you can give to InvestEd by clicking on this link and 100% of the money goes directly to helping our students if you give in the box that indicates Lakeridge Middle School. Thank you for your consideration and support for our Hawks!
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor.
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
bound .If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
- Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K / mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
- Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z / gina_rice@sumnersd.org
December 2022
LMS December Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 12/7/2022
Lakeridge Families,
Wow! December has definitely started out with some winter weather. Thank you so much for your flexibility and attention to news, Internet sources and school messages regarding the various schedule changes, late starts and school closures.
In classrooms, teachers and students are working extremely hard on teaching and learning new content, rehearsing for upcoming band and choir concerts and getting a lot of physical activity during PE, athletics and lunch free time. Equally important, as we have gotten back to “normal school”, students are engaging in substantial social opportunities such as Hawkfest, dances and assemblies. Through all of this work we have seen tremendous growth in all our students in all areas. As we close out the 2022 calendar year, we want to thank you for your partnership in making this possible for our Hawks.
There are numerous student opportunities for social functions and events during the next five weeks. The following is some important information so you can coordinate the family schedule with your child’s school calendar.
WINTER BREAK | December 19 - January 2
Friday, Dec 16th will be our last day of school before the new year. School will resume on Tuesday, Jan 3rd, 2023.
Winter Spirit Week
- December 9-16, 2022
- Participation Guide - Click Here
- Student Coordinators: ASB Officers & Coordinators
Winter Dance
- Friday, December 9th
- 2:20-4:00 PM
- Cost: $5 - Tickets must be purchased in advance
- Concessions: Pizza $2, soda $1, Italian sodas $2.50, popcorn is free
- Activities: professional photo booth, free popcorn, dancing, open gym and the spirit store will be open
Spirit Days & Activities
Monday, December 12th
- Spirit Day: Dress for the Polar Express! (Pajamas & Comfy Cozy Wear)
- Activity: Gold Ticket Hunt & Coloring Contest (entries due Thursday 12/15)
Tuesday, December 13th
- Spirit Day: Grinch (all green) or Winter Movie Characters
- Activity: Candy Cane Drop Competition
Wednesday, December 14th
- Spirit Day: Hit The Slopes! Sledding, Skiing & Snowboarding Gear
- Activity: Team Snowball Relay
Thursday, December 15th
- Spirit Day: White Out
- Activity: Giant Name Snowflake & Coloring Contest Entries Due
Friday, December 16th
- Spirit Day: Winter Wear (Ugly Sweaters | Holiday Gear | Flannels & Cozy Things)
- Activity: Coloring Contest Winners Announced
- Spirit Assembly
Tues., Dec 13 @ 7:00 pm - BLHS Performing Arts Center
The 6th, 7th & 8th grade Lakeridge choirs will be holding their winter concert at the Bonney Lake High School Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, December 13th. The performances will begin at 7:00 pm. We invite you to come enjoy the show! It will be a great way to kick off the holiday season.
Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball is starting in January!
- First practice for boys basketball will be Tuesday January 10th.
- First practice for girls soccer will be Wednesday January 11th.
Specific practice information will be handed out during lunches at the athletic office window.
LMS Athletic Clearance Instructions
- Complete Registration Paperwork using Final Forms (our new online registration platform for middle and high school). Click on the link to get started: https://sumner-wa.finalforms.
com/ - Turn in a current sports physical from your doctor.
- Purchase an ASB card ($20).
- Pay the Athletic Participation Fee - $70 for each sport. (There is an extra $25 fee for tackle football to help with helmet reconditioning. If you play all 4 seasons, the 4th season is only $20).
- Be clear of all fines.
Once athletes are cleared, they will be added to the roster so they can begin practice. ATHLETES MUST BE CLEARED PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING IN PRACTICE. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Luhring: tim_luhring@sumnersd.org
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor:
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade K-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
HIV/AIDS PREVENTION CURRICULUM- Parent Curriculum Review Night
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students currently enrolled in 8th grade Skills for Life or 9th grade Health classes. Additionally, there will be another opportunity in the spring for families of 6th-12th graders who will study this Health-related content during 2nd semester.
Parent Review Night
December 8, 2022 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Administration Building, Board Room
Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for grades 8 and 9, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Parents wishing to exclude their child from the HIV/AIDS curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign an exclusion form.
Parents of students in other grades will have the opportunity to preview curriculum in the Spring of 2023.
Students & Parents
Don’t Rush to Catch the Bus. When roads and walkways are slippery, rushing to catch the bus or driving faster to make it to your destination can have disastrous results. Children need extra time to get to the bus stop in cold, windy or snowy conditions. Encouraging them to leave a few minutes early and take their time can reduce the number of falls on slick pavement.
Bundle Up like Randy from “A Christmas Story”. Students need to keep warm at the bus stop, but they also must still be able to see and hear what’s going on around them. When bundling up your child in the morning, make sure he or she still has an adequate line of sight and can hear traffic and other noises. And make sure your student can put their arms down.
Put Down the Phone. As highlighted by the “Pokémon Go” craze, not looking where you are walking can have disastrous results. When walking on snow or ice covered surfaces, watch where you are walking, take shorter, more deliberate steps or do the “penguin shuffle.”
Get a Grip. Wear footwear appropriate for conditions. Avoid footwear with slick (no-tread) soles when walking on wet surfaces, snow or ice.
Just a Little Patience. School bus drivers are very well trained on driving in inclement weather; however, snow and icy roads can slow down even the most experienced driver. Safety is each driver’s top priority and extra time may be needed to get from stop to stop.
The Last Step. The seemingly simple task of getting on and off the bus can be taken for granted. Always use the handrails!
Pay Attention to Weather Alerts and School Messages. As hectic as mornings can be, parents should be aware of weather alerts and school cancellations or delays. Bad weather also can lead to early dismissals or a change in bus routes. Make sure your school has your contact information to receive late-breaking alerts, and be sure to check your school website or local media when inclement weather is expected.
You Snooze you Lose. Don’t hit the snooze button — give yourself extra time when the weather is bad. Drivers who give themselves extra time to get to their destination help ensure a safe and appropriate speed for road conditions, and an adequate following distance.
Sharing the Road with School Buses. In all 50 states, it’s illegal to pass a school bus that has its stop arm out and red flashing lights on. It’s estimated that 70,000 drivers break this law every school day, causing close calls and injuries to children. Everyone plays a role in ensuring students get to school safety, so please use caution and maintain a safe following distance.
An Ounce of Prevention. Make sure the wiper blades, tires, battery and defroster are in good working condition before inclement weather hits. Keep the vehicle’s gas tank full and check window washer fluid levels. Driving is a visual task, so always be sure your windows and mirrors are clean and clear and your visibility is good.
Be Aware. Pedestrians are more likely to be rushing during cold temperatures and could be hidden by poor visibility or snow banks. Remain alert for children who may be hidden or standing in or near the street at the bus stop due to mounds of plowed snow.
Drive for Conditions. Adjust your driving behavior to the weather conditions. During winter, this often requires slowing down and increasing your following distance. Anticipate that bridges and overpasses may be frozen, even if the roadway is not, and minimize acceleration and hard-braking.
Emergency Drills
Types. Every month we are required to practice either a fire drill, intruder/lockdown, shelter in place and an earthquake drill.
Expectations. Staff and students have expectations that occur during the practicing of these emergency drills to ensure that they know what to do if there is an emergency.
Conversations. We encourage you to have conversations with your student(s) about the monthly drills.
Questions. If you ever have any questions about upcoming or completed emergency drills please contact Mr. Kraft.
We appreciate your support and you are what is right at Lakeridge Middle School!
November 2022
Hawkfest Event: Coming Nov. 22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/16/2022
Dear Lakeridge Families;
We are kicking off our annual fundraiser here at Lakeridge and we need your support.
At LMS, instead of students selling items such as magazines and frozen foods, where only 40% of the money raised goes directly to our students, we are asking students to approach friends, neighbors and family members to make donations to our school. This ensures that 100% of the money raised goes directly to funding the many clubs, activities, events and athletics at Lakeridge. This fundraiser is critical to providing your student with quality athletics, activities and experiences at school. We cannot fully fund our programs without it.
Our goal is for each student to raise $25 in donations.
Money raised each year through fundraising allows students to participate in many activities at LMS. Specifically, money raised by our students helps to fund the following:
- All athletics/sports
- Officials
- Uniforms
- Equipment
- Drama club
- Strategic game club
- Band and choir competitions
- Chess tournament
- STEM Activities
- Miscellaneous clubs
- School dances
- Assemblies
- Spirit
- Veteran’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Motivational/ Character Building
- Lunch activities
- After school activities
- Spirit week activities & prizes
- Leadership conferences & lock-ins
- Leaders in the Middle conference
- 8th grade dance
While athletic “pay to play” fees provide financial support by funding transportation, field maintenance, coaches, other league costs like officials, uniforms, tournaments & team equipment are additional costs funded by ASB.
Our fundraising kicked off last Wednesday and our goal is to raise $15,000! Each student received a pink pledge sheet for raising donations, but you can also donate online via Family Access.. Please see the key dates below and mark your calendars accordingly:
11/18 Fri.: $$$ Collection Day #1
11/21 Mon.: $$$ Collection Day #2 OR Deadline to donate online via Skyward Family Access
11/22 Tue.: Hawkfest Takes Place After Lunches
After all three lunches on Tuesday, November 22, all students will celebrate our school-wide fundraising efforts during the Extravaganza Event!
For the Extravaganza Event on November 22nd, incentives are tiered activities in which students can participate as determined by the amount of money raised. The tiers of incentives, and their corresponding dollar amount, are on the back side of the pledge form. As you will see on the list of tiered incentives, even if a student is unable to bring in a donation, they will have activities in which they can participate that day. Every student will get to be a part of the celebration.
As always, we appreciate your support from home in helping us meet our fundraising goals in order to provide your student with as many opportunities as possible.
Toby Udager
Mike Kraft
Assistant Principal
Laura Nimick
ASB Advisor
Tim Luhring
Athletic Director
LMS Parent Conferences: Nov. 15, 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 11/14/2022
Tuesday, Nov 15 — 3:30 - 7:00 pm
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Parent Conference night at LMS. This new model, which replaces the student-led format, allows parents to meet with each of their child’s teachers for approximately five minutes to discuss academic progress, classroom performance and address your questions.
There are no pre-scheduled appointment times, rather, it’s based on a first-come, first-served basis. We ask parents to please arrive by 6:45 p.m. in order to conclude promptly at 7 p.m.
It may be necessary to set up a secondary conference to meet with a teacher if there are issues that require more in depth discussion.
Our PTO will be here offering the latest in spirit wear, and we’re excited to have food trucks on site for your convenience. You will also have an opportunity to purchase your student’s HAWKFEST tickets for our event on 11/22. More information on this fundraising event will be coming to your inbox soon.
We hope to see you tomorrow!
LMS November Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 11/1/2022
Lakeridge Families,
We are in the last week of an awesome first quarter here at LMS. This year has been our first “normal” year in about three years, and it has been great getting back to some of the “regular” middle school activities that make middle school a special time in a student’s educational journey. Last Friday we had a huge dance, where over 400 of our Hawks danced, played in the gym, and generally had a great time hanging out with their friends.
The first quarter officially wraps up on November 4th and grades will be posted by Monday, November 14th. You can also pick up a hard copy of your child’s first quarter grades at the parent conference event on November 15th.
Please take a moment with your child to review grades and contact your child’s teachers to resolve any rising issues. Quarter grades are basically formal progress reports for students. The semester grades are the official transcript grades and will be mailed out to families in late January. You can arrange for even more frequent notifications regarding missing assignments, assessments and grade reports in Family Access. If you have any issues accessing Family Access or setting up gradebook notifications, please contact us. We'll be happy to help!
Going into the second quarter, our Lakeridge Middle School Vision continues to focus on providing an excellent social, emotional, and academic environment for your child to grow. Thank you for your support and collaboration as we strive to provide excellence every day for every student. We truly value your partnership. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Please note that there will be no school on the following dates:
Friday, Nov 11: Veteran’s Day
Wednesday, Nov 23 - Friday, Nov 25: Thanksgiving Break
NOV 15, 2022 | 3:30-7:00 PM
As you may have heard, we are moving from a student-led conference to a parent/teacher “Arena Style” conference model this year. In this model each teacher will be available to meet with you for approximately five minutes each, to discuss your child’s academic progress, classroom performance and address any quick questions you may have. During conferences you can also pick up your child’s first quarter grades and schedule. Our world famous PTO will be on site to connect with parents and sell the latest LMS spirit wear.
The conference times are from 3:30 - 7:00 pm and are not scheduled. Parents come in and meet with teachers in a first-come, first-serve fashion. It may be necessary to set up another time to meet if there are issues that require more in depth discussion. We ask that parents arrive by 6:45 pm so we can conclude promptly at 7:00 pm
Date: Tuesday, November 15th
Time: 3:30 - 7:00
Friday Backpack Program
If you are interested in having your child bring home a bag of non-perishable items from our food bank on Fridays, please email your child’s School Counselor:
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade K-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Free & Reduced Lunch
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals can also receive assistance with other school fees such as an ASB card or sports fees. Qualifying 7th and 8th grade students are automatically eligible for the College Bound Scholarship. Students can only sign up for this opportunity in the 7th and 8th grade. For more information about the College Bound Scholarship, visit their website.
College Bound Scholarship
College Bound is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who fulfill the College Bound pledge. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition, fees, and a book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington.
To find out more information about College Bound & to see if your child qualifies, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/college-
bound .If you have questions about College Bound Scholarship, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
Mari Lysne, 6th grade, 7th grade A-K mari_lysne@sumnersd.org
Gina Rice, 8th grade, 7th grade L-Z gina_rice@sumnersd.org
Lakeridge Middle School has a strong tradition of community service, including our annual food drive. In past years students have donated 3,500+ items to the Bonney Lake Food Bank. Your donations and support are greatly appreciated!
Dates: October 31-November 10, 2022
Benefiting: Bonney Lake Food Bank
Focus: Lunch box friendly foods + Thanksgiving meal foods (all non perishable food accepted)
Competition: 2nd period classes + Top 10 fundraisers get VIP seating at the December spirit assembly
Student Coordinators: 8th Grade Leadership
NOVEMBER 22, 2022
We’re excited to announce that Hawkfest is back! Hawkfest will take place during the school day on Tuesday, November 22nd. Students can fundraiser their way into different activities throughout the school. All proceeds from this fundraiser benefit Lakeridge programs like sports, clubs, spirit weeks, activities & more. Without this fundraiser we cannot fully fund activities at Lakeridge - your support is greatly needed and appreciated!
Fundraiser Dates: Wednesday, November 9 - Tuesday, November 21, 2022
Hawkfest Event: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at school
Fundraising Goal Per Student: $25+
School Fundraising Goal: $15,000
Theme: Let’s Glow!
Students: 8th Grade Leadership, ASB Officers & Coordinators
Staff: Laura Nimick (ABS) & Tim Luhring (Athletics)
More information is coming soon!
Submit photos of your favorite veteran for our annual Veterans Day assembly & slideshow.
Photos submission deadline: November 8, 2022
Include w/Submission: Name & service information (branch, ranking, years, etc.), student’s name & relationship (mom, grandpa, family friend, etc.)
Email submissions to Laura_Handy-Nimick@sumnersd.
org -
Student Coordinators: ASB Officers
HIV/AIDS PREVENTION CURRICULUM- Parent Curriculum Review Night
DECEMBER 8, 2022
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students currently enrolled in 8th grade Skills for Life or 9th grade Health classes. Additionally, there will be another opportunity in the spring for families of 6th-12th graders who will study this Health-related content during 2nd semester.
Parent Review Night
December 8, 2022 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Administration Building, Board Room
Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for grades 8 and 9, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Parents wishing to exclude their child from the HIV/AIDS curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign an exclusion form.
Parents of students in other grades will have the opportunity to preview curriculum in the Spring of 2023
Be sure to check out the PTO’s newsletter for the latest updates on events and Spirit Store information!
We are trying to have some consistency with students bringing water bottles to school. We allow students to bring any container for their water, we just ask that it is only water and there is a lid to prevent spills.
School Safety Reminders:
Watch for school zones, children, and parents who may be walking to school.
Put your phone away: Don’t be distracted by messages and calls.
Drop off and pick up: Please pull forward up to the sign provided in front of the crosswalk. If you are dropping off prior to the crosswalk, please keep it timely. We also have the middle two lanes as options.
Carpool: Parents can organize or find a carpool to help reduce the number of vehicles on the road.
Look out: Children can be unpredictable, slow down and look between parked cars.
School buses: Stop your vehicle when approaching a stopped school bus that is either loading or unloading students, be on the lookout for warning signs and signals. Do not proceed until the school bus resumes motion, the driver signals you to proceed, or the visual signal is no longer activated.
Lanes: If a road is only divided by a left-turning lane, drivers on both sides must stop for school buses with red flashing lights. If lanes are separated by an intervening space or physical barrier only drivers going in the same direction as the bus must stop.
Reflection: To make children more visible, have them wear reflective material during hours of darkness or near darkness.
September 2022
LMS Hawk Update: 9/17/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/17/2022
Dear Lakeridge Families,
We have had an outstanding two weeks of middle school. Students and staff have been working hard to collaborate on making LMS a WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) learning environment every day. We had our very first Rootbeer Float Team run of the school year and we heard from our teacher about all the amazing ways students have shown excellent Hawk PRIDE in terms of Preparation during class. We look forward to continuing this strong start to the year and partnering with you to provide an excellent middle school experience for your child.
Below is some important information as well as a few items we could use your help to ensure we have a successful and safe school year.
We are off to a great start and our students are already working extremely hard. I’m very excited to be here supporting the Lakeridge Community. I love seeing and meeting some of you while coming on campus. I can’t wait for more of our parents and families to attend upcoming events and activities happening next week.
A shout out to those that drop and pick up students. Our flow of cars has been timely. We appreciate your help when pulling all the way to the sign provided. This allows us at least three cars after the crosswalk. Try to load or unload as quickly as you can if you happen to do this prior to the crosswalk. A couple of other thoughts we’d like you to consider is driving slowly through the parking lot and if possible, taking a right turn onto Myers Rd when exiting the campus.
Shhhhh! Hats and head coverings will now be allowed at school. We are rolling out expectations with students on Monday morning during advisory. During this time, we will talk about our Lakeridge way and what is acceptable/not acceptable hats and head coverings to wear while at school. A big thank you to our ASB officers for providing a student voice in helping us craft this vision.
You are what is right at Lakeridge Middle School!
Thank you parents and families, have a great weekend.
Beginning September 19th, we will begin using the digital hall pass system called SmartPass. SmartPass is a digital hall pass system that replaces the traditional hall pass system where students sign out in each classroom and carry a hall pass to the restroom.
SmartPass provides the LMS admin team with information regarding which students are outside of the classroom during the school day. This is critical information during emergency situations such as fires, severe weather, or possible lock down situations. The pass history of a student will also lead to more effective and informative parent-teacher conferences, and help ensure our students are where they should be - in the classroom learning.
Having a digital pass also helps our school eliminate unnecessary germ sharing. By going to this digital pass system, we eliminate many common touch surfaces related to shared classroom passes, paper sign out sheets, pencils, etc. as well as the issue of taking a pass into the restroom and finding someplace in that area to keep the pass clean.
Students and staff can access SmartPass from their school-provided device or from their personal mobile device at www.smartpass.app/login.
If you would like more information, you can visit the vendor’s website at www.smartpass.app.
We would really appreciate your help in keeping our classrooms focused on learning by talking to your child about putting cell phones and earbuds away during class and in the hallways. We have clear expectations regarding appropriate times and locations for cell phone usage which are shared regularly to students. If you have an urgent message to give your child during class time, we encourage you to call the office. We will get your child the message right away. During lunch times or as requested by a parent, students may go to the office to use their cellphone to call home. We appreciate your support, as inappropriate use of cell phones causes a significant disruption in the classroom and are generally the source of much of the bullying and harassment situations in school.
Please check out recent news and info from our PTO. It’s also your source for the latest in Hawk Spirit Wear!
Tdap is due for all 7th graders.
If your student has not had this immunization, please schedule an appointment with your medical provider as soon as possible. Several pediatric offices are weeks out for those appointments or see if you can schedule a nurse only visit. This vaccination is REQUIRED. If you are seeking exemption you will also need to see your medical provider.
I am diligently working on entering all of our students that have them in the Washington State Immunization Information System. If your student has had their Tdap it would have been done on or after their 11th birthday. There is no need to send in documentation if it was done within Washington state.
You can contact your provider's office for verification on this vaccination.
images/tetanus-vacc-media.jpg WHEN TO KEEP YOUR STUDENTS HOME
This flowchart will help you determine when to keep your child home, when to isolate for 5-10 days, and when to get COVID testing: What to do if a Person is Symptomatic
Keep in mind that students should not come to school if they have one or more of these symptoms:
❑ Fever (≥100.4°F) or chills
❑ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
❑ Muscle or body aches
❑ New loss of taste or smell
❑ Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
❑ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
❑ Fatigue
❑ Sore throat
❑ Congestion or runny nose*
Back to School Reminders: 9/1/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/1/2022
Last Call for Student Check-In Event
Tonight is the final evening for our Student Check-In event. Any 6th graders unable to make it Wednesday are welcome to come with the 7th & 8th graders tonight. Students can pick up their schedules, find their classes, and make in-person payments. 6th graders and new students can also check out their chromebooks. Our event runs from 4-7pm.
This is an optional event. Students unable to attend will receive items and schedule information on the first day of school.
First Day of School - Tuesday, Sept. 6th
We are so excited to welcome back our Hawks next Tuesday! Please be aware of the special starts times for the first day only. 6th graders will have a regular start time of 7:25am. 7th & 8th grade will have a 5-hour late start. Buses will also run on a 5-hour delay for these grades.
Offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5th for Labor Day.
School Pictures - Thursday, Sept. 8
Links to Other Back to School Information
August 2022
LMS Back to School Newsletter
Posted by SBLSD on 8/22/2022
Dear Lakeridge Families,
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer. Lakeridge staff members are busy preparing the school and classrooms for an exciting year of learning and growth. This year we will continue our focus on providing each and every Hawk an emotionally safe, socially civil, and academically productive learning environment. Through collaboration, a commitment to excellence, connections, and a culture of continuous improvement, we are enthusiastic and committed to provide a positive and enriching middle school learning experience for every student, in every class, every day.
We are all extremely excited about the 2022-2023 school year. I hope your child is looking forward to a fantastic return to school as well. The first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th. Please take a quick look through the entire newsletter for details about our opening days events and important start up information.
We are thrilled to welcome you back for another fantastic year of Hawk PRIDE! See you soon.
Toby Udager
Hello Lakeridge Parents, Families, and Community,
I’m Mr. Kraft and I’m your new Assistant Principal. This is my first year in the Sumner/Bonney Lake School District and I couldn’t be more excited. I come to you from both North Thurston and Puyallup School Districts. My education experience consists of being a teacher, coach and administrator. I chose to be a part of this district team because of its forward thinking, collaboration, and the sense of community. It is a great place to be!
What you can expect from me is that your student(s) will be safe, loved, and learn at high levels. I believe in an open-door policy. What that means is that I want to hear from you in any way possible, by email, phone, or in-person. This will also be reciprocated; I will collaborate and communicate to let you know what is happening at Lakeridge Middle School or individually as a family. Our commitment to excellence will prepare your student(s) for graduation and a promising future.
I’m a husband and a dad of 4 wonderful kids. This helps ground me in why I do what I do. As you would want as parents and families, we strive to have a positive relationship with all student(s) while creating an environment where everyone is welcome! I am looking forward to meeting you and being your partner in your student’s educational journey. Go Hawks!
~Mr. K
New LMS Staff
This school year we have recruited and hired a new group of teachers and support staff to lead our Hawks to great places of learning. Please welcome our newest staff members:
Mike Kraft - Assistant Principal
Alexandria (Alex) Perez - 6th Science, Skills for Life
Lindsey Henry - 6th Grade ELA/SS, 8th ELA
Kristina Palagruti - Behavior Family Support Specialist
LaRee Graham - 6th ELA/SS, 7th ELA
Tiphany Adsit - 8th ELA, Learning Lab
Tristen Wiens - 7th Math, 7th Math Intervention
Joy Lawless - 7th/8th Math, 8th Math Intervention
Sherri Gonzales - Learning Specialist
6th Grade Camp
All incoming 6th graders are welcome to join us for 6th grade camp next Thursday. Last year's camp was so well received we're doing it again and we'd love for your student to join us! Camp is a great opportunity to meet fellow Hawks, get to know the staff, learn more about middle school and have FUN before the school year begins.
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Pre-Registration Required (link)
Bring: Water bottle, snack, sack lunch & dress for the weather (we'll be inside & outside)
Student drop off & pick up at the front entrance.
Make new friends
Practice 6th grade skills (like how to use a lock!)
Get your questions answered by staff & 8th grade students
Make new friends through activities
Team building games
Free time on the field
Familiarize yourself with the school
Meet 8th grade WEB Leaders (6th grade buddies & mentors)
Meet Lakeridge staff: Mrs. Nimick (leadership & ASB), Mrs. Greer (language arts & WEB team) & Mrs. Bohl (dean).
Contact Laura Nimick at Laura_handy-nimick@sumnersd.
org with questions.We look forward to meeting you soon!
Back to School Information
Student Check-In Days | 8/31 & 9/1
During Student Check-In Days students will visit the school to pick up a printed copy of their schedule, collect curriculum resources for their classes and turn in health-care/immunization forms (if not done previously). 6th grade students and new students will also get a new Chromebook. If 6th graders have a chromebook from their 5th grade year they will exchange it. Families may also use this opportunity to pay in-person for any applicable school or athletic fees. Payments may also be made online through Family Access.
All students are invited to attend. To speed up the check-in process and allow for a consistent flow of visitors, we have assigned student groups based on alpha by last name.
Please note that school pictures will not be taken during Student Check-In Days. This is an optional event for students and families. Anyone unable to attend will be provided with these items on the first day of school. Student schedules will be available to view online through Family Access on August 31st.
Athletic Registration
Athletic registration is open for all sports offered at Lakeridge. All items below must be completed PRIOR to participating in athletics at Lakeridge Middle School (Clearances must go through Athletic Coordinator Tim Luhring).
Turn in a current Sports Physical from your doctor.
Complete the online registration on the FinalForms Platform: https://sumner-wa.finalforms.
com/ . Follow the prompts to create your account and register. -
All athletes who wish to participate in after-school athletics must be covered either by a Student Accident Insurance Program or a separate insurance program. Information on insurance can be obtained on the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District website (Student Insurance), your school’s athletic office and/or the FinalForms registration platform.
Purchase ASB card ($20)*
Pay Athletic Participation Fee*
Be clear of all fines
*If your student qualifies for free or reduced meals, it’s possible that fees could be reduced or waived. However, you must check the appropriate box on the Free/Reduced Meal application in order to qualify for these discounts.
Failure to properly get cleared for a sport will result in the student/athlete being classified as ineligible and not allowed to practice and/or participate in the sport or activity. All forms should be completed prior to the first day of practice in order for the athlete to be cleared for the first practice.
Please refer to the district website for more information about Sports Fees and Athletic Clearances.
Online Payments
We encourage you to take advantage of utilizing the online payment system.
Instructions are as follows:
Log in to your Skyward Family Access account. Skyward Family Access
In the upper right hand corner click on the blue “District Links” icon and select Online Payments.
You will then need to re-enter your Family Access username and password.
Click on your Lakeridge student’s name.
Under “Shop”, select “Items At Student’s School”.
Select the items under each category that you would like to purchase and click “Buy” to add to cart.
If you select to pay for your items online, print the receipt or take a screenshot to bring with you to pick up items.
Cashiers will also be available to take payments which can be made by cash, credit or check.
Incoming 6th graders as well as new 7th and 8th grade students will be issued a Chromebook. Any students unable to attend this event will be given their Chromebook during the first week of school. Returning 7th & 8th grade students should continue to use their current Chromebook.
Digital Device Coverage
Give yourself peace of mind and limit your financial obligation by purchasing Digital Device Coverage. Act now to take advantage of a 20% early enrollment discount, good only until Sept. 30, 2021.
This assurance will cover you from the date it is purchased through the end of September 2023
The normal early enrollment discount of 20% is available through the end of September 2022.
The price is the same as the last five years:
This is a yearly fee.
Assurance covers multiple devices (if you have them) to include Laptops, Chromebooks, Hotspots, or other mobile digital devices.
$25.00 w/ discount = $20 (No Reduction In Lunch Rate)
$12.50 w/ discount = $10 (Reduced Lunch Rate)
$6.25 w/ discount= $5 (Free Lunch Rate)
Sixth graders will be picked up according to the regular bus schedule for a full day schedule with a 7:25 am regular school start time. Breakfast and lunch will be available. Students will spend the day with WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) student mentors who have been trained to help new Hawks learn about how to be successful at Lakeridge and making connections with peers.
Seventh and eighth graders will begin school at 12:25 pm. Bus transportation will be five hours later than the regular weekday schedule (not the Wednesday late start schedule). For example, if your regular morning bus pick-up time is 7:10 am, please be at your bus stop at 12:10 pm. School lunch will not be served to 7th and 8th graders.
School is dismissed at 2:20 pm for all students.
To keep our students freely moving through our hallways, students will not be using hallway lockers. Students will need to have a backpack which they will be allowed to carry from class to class.
School Pictures - Thursday, September 8th
School pictures will be taken during the first week of school on Thursday, Sept. 8th. More information will be sent to families as we near that date.
LMS Office
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 3:00pm
(253) 891-5100