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LMS Newsletters

2024-25 Newsletters

Please join us for Lakeridge Middle School’s arena-style Parent Conferences on Thursday, November 14 from 11:30am to 6:30pm. This is an Early Release day and students will be dismissed at 10:25am on November 14 so that conferences may begin at 11:30am.

What is arena conferencing?

In an arena conference model, each teacher will be available to meet with you for up to five minutes to discuss your child’s academic progress, classroom performance and address any quick questions you may have.  It is called arena conferencing because teachers are arranged in a circular pattern in the main areas of our school (Commons, main gym, small gym).

Parents come in and meet with teachers in a first-come, first-serve fashion. To reduce potential long lines, we are recommending families attend at a specified time. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do parents/guardians sign up for conferences? 

No. Parents/guardians follow the recommended schedule (if possible) and do not sign up for conference times. 


Where will I find my child’s teachers? 

Teachers will be placed by teaching teams in the following locations:

  • 6th Grade - Small Gym 

  • 7th & 8th Grade - Main Gym

  • Encore & Learning Specialists - Commons


How long do parents/guardians have with each teacher? 

We ask parents/guardians to limit conferences with each teacher to 5 minutes or less. We will space teachers out to provide optimal privacy. If a more in-depth discussion is necessary, we can schedule a secondary conference with that teacher at a later date. 


Are students invited? 

Students are welcome to attend arena conferencing but are not required to attend. 


What else can parents/guardians do at arena conferences besides talk to teachers?

  • Pay fees such as ASB, PE uniforms, athletic fees, library fines, Chromebook Assurance (which covers the loss or damage to a chromebook)

  • In our library, we will provide tips for using Family Access, Google Classroom and ParentSquare. Our office staff will  be on hand to help with specific questions.

  • Lost and Found - Is your student missing a jacket? A water bottle? Other clothing? We will have our lost and found available for parents to look through.


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