Mission & Vision
Working together to prepare all students for their future in an emotionally safe, socially civil, and academically productive environment.
Guidelines for Success
Lakeridge guidelines for success will enhance our strong community. Acting with PRIDE ensures success for today and the future. Lakeridge is the home of Hawk PRIDE. Our school's mascot represents our spirit and "can do" attitude.
Hawk Pride
At Lakeridge, we recognize that certain character traits contribute significantly to student success. Students at Lakeridge receive positive recognition for exhibiting the character traits in Hawk PRIDE. Students will receive PRIDE recognition certificate for demonstrating Hawk PRIDE characteristics. Once students earn a Pride Recognition Certificate in each of the five PRIDE characteristic areas, they will receive a Hawk PRIDE bracelet.
Preparation: Be prepared for class everyday. Bring materials and an open mind.
Respect: Be polite and courteous.
Integrity: Do the right thing even when no one is watching.
Determination: Be relentless in your efforts for personal growth.
Excellence: Strive for excellence everyday
"Responsibility is the key to success"